Download Malwarebytes Premium v3.7.1.2839 Full Version

Malwarebytes Premium v3.7.1.2839 - Merupakan aplikasi antimalware yang populer digunakan pada saat ini. Berbagai fitur yang menarik bagi para pengguna komputer dan sangat mudah digunakan. Produk Malwarebytes memiliki catatan yang terbukti melindungi komputer dengan sepenuhnya menghapus semua bentuk malware, termasuk virus, Trojan, spyware, adware, dan rootkit. Malwarebytes Premium mendeteksi dan menghapus malware di mana bahkan aplikasi anti-virus dan anti-malware yang terkenal pun gagal. Ini memonitor setiap proses dan menghentikan proses berbahaya bahkan sebelum mereka mulai.
- Size: 62.1 MB
- [Anonfile]
Langkah Instalasi:
- Matikan koneksi internet dan antivirus
- Install setup seperti biasa, jangan buka aplikasinya terlebih dahulu
- Jalankan patchnya dan cari dimana lokasi Malwarebytes terinstall
- Klik patch
- Selesai
- Protects you from advanced (zero-day) threats, including ransomware, so you can surf the Web without worry
- Removes all traces of malware for complete safety
- Removes potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) that make your computer run poorly
- Scans fast so you do not have to sit around and wait for your security to finish working
- Easy to use, just set it and forget it
- Can replace antivirus or run alongside other antivirus programs
- Malwarebytes Anti-Malware screenshotMalwarebytes advanced technology protects businesses from the constantly-evolving threat that malware poses to corporate systems. From data loss to network corruption, undetected malware can decrease revenue and wreak havoc on your network. Malwarebytes provides maximum protection while using minimal resources, to keep your system focused on your business.